Nike BSN Sports MoltenBorderline VBC

Borderline 14  (2014)

16 Hawks Go Bronze at the Presidents' Cup (2/14/10)

The 16 Hawks started the 2010 season fast and furious. Placed in the toughest bracket in the 16 American tournament. The Hawks fought and played a solid tournament throughout the weekend. The Hawks saw MAVA (Champion), Legacy out of Michigan (Runner up Gold), Glass City, (Sliver Champion), Premier (Flight Champion). I couldn't have asked for a better bracket to start the season. To play so much talent in one venue really gave my team a lot of challenges over the course of two days. You only get better when you play the best and that's what we did.

Some highlights over the weekend were Chole Janson controlling the net with 17 solo blocks. Rebecca Thiem lead the team with 21 Kills. Vanesse Lay hit 389% with 16 kills. Kylie Annuziate hit over 300% and added 7 solo blocks and 7 blocking assists. Alex McPherson on limited time on the floor coming off an injury gave me quality time in the front row and added 14 Kills. Rebecca Robben and Taylor Ruder had 93 and 71 digs respectively ensure Heather Siefert could run a potent offense dishing out 70 assists. Jessica Conrad played solidly around the court having 34 digs and Hannah Kinch gave me solid passing and defensive time on Sunday as we raced through the bronze division.

For additional information, contact Al Powell